Non-Local Yokal: August 2005

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well guys, My Mom is im the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. she is looking on his face and praising and worshiping him, from now to eternity! Talk about cool! She was the greatest mother in the entire world. i promise you all that. God is so amazing! his love and grce and power is so hugeous, that we can not understand it. "To be absent in the body, is to be present with Christ!" My moms death was one of the greatest, no THE greatest thing that ever happened to her, Cause it ushered her into the presents of Almighty God!! As you are reading this, My sweet mother is seeing Jesus face to face. She is touching the scares in the hands of Jesus. And embracing in a HUGEOUS hug, OUR Lord and Saviorand God, Jesus Christ!! What a great thought! I love you guys SO much... You are all the best friends I could ever ask for!! thanks for your prayers! They WERE NOT in vain. God is good! She went to be with him so peacfully. The lord made her breathing easy, and let her sleep, and then her breathing just slowed down, and she Imidiatly went into the presence of Christ!!!! Love you guys so much. see you all later.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

"Happy Ukrainian Indapendance Day!!! Uhahaha!"

Oh. Crap. I'm like an hour and a half to late.. Oh fartin' well, life goes on ehh?? so did you all like my 'Ode to Eleanora?' Hmm??? man I am kinda tired... it could have something to do with the fact that it is like, 1:30 AM, but more likely, it has to do with the fact that i partied all night last my my owen bed....asleep.... HA!! and you guys thought I was out on the Strip last night. well of corse some of you do, cause you were there. but as for me, myself and I, we were home....where I live.... yeah, anyways, mo I am not a drugy, an drunkard or a partier.... So rest well mothers, and fathers put away your shotguns.. all is well that ends up at home after work. and that is where I am... I just had a thought, why an i talking about partying and getting wasted? i think I'll start this blog over....

Oh. Crap. I'm like an hour and a half to late.. Oh fartin' well, life goes on, ehh?? It was a good mock-up tho... ;-) So did you all like my 'Ode to Eleanora?' I thought it was very authentic and heart-felt.. I am thinking about publishing. well actually elaborating, in order to lengthen, and then elaborating... :-) you guys are the best, i mean all this time i have been sitting here saying all this stupid stuff, but never once did any of you argue or anything... Rock on My Homie-G-fug-master-flex-3000... peace. it is to bed for me.. I mean I...

James Mo,
J Mo,

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I miss you Eleonora

Eleonora, You were truly the love of my life. I miss you so much! I wish there was some way I could express my feelings toward you... But I know that there is no way. I know it must hurt to be out there all alone, away from your baby boy; but trust me love I miss you more than you could ever know. If I could only get you back... Baby I'm so sorry, I never should have let you go. I remember all the times we had together; the smoothness of your skin against me. Baby, why'd you go? It hurts me so much to think that you are out there with someone other than me. Someone elses hands have been on you, someone else have touched you. I don't know if I can take this, love... I saw your picture today, and it brought up so many memories. You were so strong when you were with me, no matter what you were there running with me. Every risk, every adventure, you stayed strong and together we pulled through them. You were so awesome; and more than that, you were mine! And I let you go. My heart is still broken baby. I hated seeing you leave! Why did I give up? Why did I finally give into the pressure of everyone else, and let you go. You were all I needed. We were perfect together, you and I; we were one.

I don't know what ewlse there is to say, except this: Babydoll, if you ever see this, please come back to me. I miss you so much.

(This was a memorial love letter to my ex-car.)

Monday, August 22, 2005


well, he's gone.. away... @ dead.... away from everyone he knows, but in gods will, with his eyes fixed on Him, rdy to be a bright light and awesome influence to the ppl he will get to know.
ERRR>!!!! What?! This sounds alot like Pauls morbid post. Oh! maybe that cause i just copied and paseted it in here.. hehehe.

Ok well, that was kind fun... Now you don't have to miss the pope Leah. anytime you feel sad, just look at my blog and there his face will be, staring back at you in an eternal gaze!!! uh, yeah... anyways, hey evbod, uh my moms in the hospital again, this time she had fluid build up arouind her lungs andit was compressing her lungs so tight that she could not breathe. soo they are going to drain that, and then so that it doesn't return in like a month or so, they are going to squeeze some sort of medicine into the space between her lung wall and chest wall, which will cause them to kinda stick together so that no fluid can get back in there.. but that is the deal. so yeah if ya'll would please remember to pray for her, then we would greatly appreciate it.. (O may not have spelled appreciate right, but I don't care...)

So all you cools, how if life on the flip side of things? yeah its alright over here, but you know, just dull.. i wanna go to north carolina on the college retreat again.. Remember that Calyn? that was like sweet. hmm, yeah... so, anyhow, wvbod say hello to your moms for me.. hahaha!!! yeah, nevermind.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Links to some cool stuff

You guys should really check out my links to other bloggers. they are all under 'links to cool people', or something like that.. Anyways, Have a great day all you beautiful people!


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Pimp no more 2

You guys know, it's really sad that i have nothing bertter to do while all you cools are at school and work, but post on my blog like five times (in one day) waiting for ya'll to get off work at 5:00, when i go to work... :-( paul is my fre- I before E except after C -friend.. He reads my blog and then comments, but so does most evbod else that reads it, so nevermind. OK, I would like to take a moment to clarify, "Pimp no more" that not a statment that I had decided to stop pimping; but rather it qwas a lament, that i had lost my pimpness. and i fell that for the time being, that is true. I mean where is a pimp without his ladies. Exactly, they all left me. Some to the great state of Texas, and others to Miami, to become fre- I before E -friends with all the Cubes..(short for Cubans) Then there is- correction -was Jamie but no longer, I mean, WHAT IS LEFT?!?! Jenna? I mean come on really! JK!! baby, you know that your one of my best ladies! ;-) and Calyn as well. Definitely my top Ladies. So there you all have it, the story of me come to ruin.

*Sniff,* I miss you babies...

But you know what they say;
'Don't go chasing waterfalls,
please stick to the rivers and the lakes that your used to.
I know that your gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
but I think your moving to fast.'

Don't even ask, cause i couldn't tell ya why i thought of that.. :-)

Arrivaderci!!! (copy cat)

I'm not, really i'm not!!!

OK, I am gonna go ahead and copy evbod else. Call me gay if you want but you know that i am not, and i can prove it because i have a gir.......hmm ok, scratch that. Ya'll just know i'm not gay. Anyways, here is my google survey...

"James is".......

"James is": a COUNTERFEIT! (well there you have it ladies, if it says on the internet, then it must be true )
"James is": not a King James Bible. (Really?)
"James is": never mentioned in the Gospel. (ohh, tuche!) (if that isn't how you spell it then.. uhhh.. I'M AWESOME!!)
"James is": a super talent. (yeah. ha ha...)
"James is": one of the best of the year. (best what? trampolene? end-table? )
"James is": buying everyone. (uhu, yeah thats a funny one.)
"James is": also a mail application platform. (I always wondered why Calyns Dad liked me so much... hmmm?)
"James is": based upon the Apache Avalon application framework. (Remember that gals. 'sophistocated')
"James is": clairvoyant or merely intent on incurring his bosses' wrath? (I love that one. I mean, what does it mean? its just so great!)
"James is": gone rest in peace. (that happened after incurring my bosses' wrath)
"James is": booked for gigs? (Yeah right. whistling gigs maybe...)
'James is": best known for his formulation of the philosophy of pragmatism. (Uh, yes well you see; this is one of my lesser works, though needless to say, quite beyond the minds of normal indaviduals..)

Well my beauties, there you have it and there you have it... Yes i ment to say it twice.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

breakfast at 2:00

Hey evbod, What is on the DL for today? Any secrets that i should know about? Well if not, at least i have my cell phone. Which for those of you who may not know, is a new one, so if you don't have my number, then just see me or contact me or something. Ahh, so yesterday i got up at like 1130 and just chilled around for a good while, and then I went to work at five. work was ok yesterday, much better than sunday. but i still hate it. oh hey Nicole, if you wanna go eat, we could do it Wednesday at 4:00 when the doors open, casue i don't have to work untill five. thats an hour, should be plent of time to eat, especialy since there will be no wait. Anyways we wil talk later. so guys I think that today i am gonna run to the sto, and buy some milk so i can eat breakfast. more lucky charms!! :-) yea! well Peac out my chappy chappys!


Monday, August 15, 2005

27 and counting.

Ahh, 27 minutes before I go to work. I hate outback. Have i ever mentioned that? Cause i really REALLY hate outback. i am just dying to get out of there and do something else. I feel like I am wasting my life. making people food. I mean why don't people go home and make food and eat it; or don't eat it i don't really care, just go home and make it. And the schedualing at outback is really interfering in my desire to help out with Roc as a leader. What can a guy do? Its just sad. hum, this is not a very funny post. but I think that i am gonna go eat some lucky charms then call T on my way to work, cause i promised I'd call. OK, most you guys got to see her and hang out on sunday night at Roc. but me, I haad to say goodbye after church that morning. so noone say that my life is better than yours. did i mention that I hate outback? well i do..:-) you guys are the best!! Calyn and Jenna, wow your interview thing was great!! so i am gonna do one.

James: Are you concerned with global warming?
James: No, as long as it doesn't heat up the whole world.
James: And there you haver it folks. so long and thanks for listening.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

So I saw a Delorean yesterday (well monday actually)

Ah... Posting time again; is there anything like? I say there is. with new Farmers bounty, you get the taste of fresh creamry butter in every bite.. mmm.. Ok woah buddy!!! That is from a good movie. if you like that sort of thing that is. Uh yeah, I actually have real pictures of the Delorean that i saw, not some internet pics like Calyn. :-) but untill I get to know a lil more abot blogspot, you will have to wait to see them.. not. I actually just don't wanna take the time to put them on here because i would have to go get my camara and then put the usb cable in it and download them and that would just not be worth it. but i will put them on eventually.. wow, that word looks like it is spelled way wrong... but i don't know because i was not in IB like Tamara.. hehe.. JK. But really What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul. Say what? what does that have to do with IB? Well nothing, but it is Biblical.. And Tyhaht(that) my friend is what matters. You know guys i don't think that i quite understaND THE MEANING OF THis (sorry an accident) blogging thing I mean what am i supposed to write about? I don't know, but when i have some more insight I shall impart it to you.

Stay twisted

Stolen Property

Sup Folks? So i'm posting again. oh happy day.. :-) Just kidding. I almost, no I did miss the deadline to pay for my class fees, but get this, the entire school network was down, so they prolonged the deadine for one day. which gave me the time i needed to pay before they droped my classes.. Cool huh? sound like a coincidence anyone? :-) Ha, i think not.. I got a new cell phone, finally, i hated my other one, and then the display looked like some one shot it.. speaking of shooting, I am dying to play some paintball. well I have more to say, but i want to go eat breakfast, yes at 12:54 on saturday afternoon. i woke up late.. hehe, then again, I did not get hom till like 2:00, Ok, so we, (Jesse, myself, David, and Alex) walked over to Todds house last night at like 12:45, and snuck in and made our way to Sappy's room. We silently surounded his still sleeping formand the in a flash the dark figures in ski masks grabbed the youn boy and ran with him in their clutches, and threw him body into the abiss of the swimming pool, and then disapeared without a trace. Now that was fun!!

Hast la pasta

Monday, August 08, 2005

Pimp no more!

First of all, my music is awesome. Now onto busy-ness.Well, this is actually really sad that i have updated this piece every day since i started it.. That that is devotion. Remember that ladies. I am able to devote my self wholey to something.. ;-) Anyways, I will not be updating, at least for a few days probably, cause I will be at Laguna beach on the youth leadership retreat... Which should be pretty awesome. So that is that. Did ya'll Have alot of fun bowling last night? Yeah me to, but... yeah... nevermind. I won't go there; Ian help. '-( Not really, thats not really a prob. kinda funny actually.. However, I still have some bling that I need to lose. (If you know what I mean) Well thats the way of things and other things. And you can almosyt always be that those things have other things already. Ha! Am I losing you guys yet? :-) Ok, I hope you are greatly confused now for that was my intent. :- wow thats an interesting look. Peace to you all and to my new friend, love ya.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sadness.. *sniff*

aight, check this out, it sucks somethin' awefull. So it sunday morning, I was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat, so I pour myself a bowl of Coco Crispy cereal, and then open the fridge to find no milk. all sorts of horrible things go through my mind, such as "Ahh Man!" And the alltime worst, "dangit" so I go into the basement and check that fridge, and low and behold there is a gallon of 2%, so now i'm happy again. I proceed to pour the milk, I sit down at my computer in a most joyous state, and take the first bite. But something is wrong, this milk has a funny affect on my well trained buds. so i say, "Ian check the date on that jug in the refridge." he does and reprts back, "it says, July 22." My worst fears are confirmed. And so I consumate this post; silently relenting the fact that the dog is now enjoying my breakfast.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well, uh??? I never thought the day would come when I would create my own blog. Yet it apperars that the pressure was just too great "and so I give in". Actually I really have notta thin' against blogs or blogging, I just thought it was fun to be obstinate.. ;-) Hey check this one out, " :-() " I just discovered that lil guy by accident. Ha! good times, good times. Well not really, I am actually kinda bored right now, which may have something to do with my giving in and creating this dang blog. eh?? i think I am just sad to be home from camp. and i miss all my peeps/chicks.. hahaha... anybody besides Ian catch that pun??? no?? Ok, well I guess I'll just go look for some different friends.. oh wait, i don't have any other friends. "Dangit!" (that was for Kye) Alrighty, i guess i will just leave you with this note...Laaaaaaaaaa!
