Non-Local Yokal: hmm some stuff, hope you can make some sense out of it :P

Thursday, May 04, 2006

hmm some stuff, hope you can make some sense out of it :P

Ok, so I guess it has been forever.... andI am sorry for that..Ii have just been focused on other things.. And not really concerned for my blog.. So I suppose that I willl post now.. so you all have soemthing to read.. =P So how have you peeps been? have not seen you all for a while.. and soem of you for a LONG while... :o( that makes me cry.. yeah I was gone for a weekend when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out.. That was an adventure to be sure... Not really something that I would cherish having done again... uhh no... anyeas, hmmm well what should I tell you all? There are so many things going on really. Kenley's house is getting closer and closer every day.. speaking of which, I should be workign rigth now.. but...... yeah you know I need to post real quick.. :P hehe ok i somehow went like 168 minutes over on my cell phone.... and so I have an extra 75.50 to pay now.. =/ ouch that hurts..
Well, something that God has been showing me is to pray extravigently... It's like He will teach us soemthing and then go and compound on the same thing for ever... kinda cool if you ask me.. but I have really just been realizing even more now thatn before, that if we want God to do great thiongs, then we gotta ask Him to do great things.. It seem so often we are almost scared to ask Him to move in any way that is bigger than us. But the deal is not about us, it is about HIm, and People finding Him... How do we expect Him to change the world, if we are only asking Him to "help us to be good christians, and follow him" yet never are willing to be used out side of our normal life. We ask Him to use us here, which is very good, and so we should do. (cause i understand that all(me included) are not able to just up and leave and go to some random place. We have things that we need to finish here. And rightly so. For us college peeps: an education. that is a nessecary thing) yeah, not only should we pray for that, and for His Holy Spirit to be at work else where, but for Him to work in HUGE, crazy, unimaginable ways. I think that that exhibits faith on our part. Praying and believing that God is going to change the world. If we want specific yet Hugely crazy things to happen, then we need to be prayign specifically for those things! =) Our prayers are not in vain. Never believe the lies that, we are doign no good by praying.. and that we are just one person. even if it were just one person. that one would be heard by out Savior. And those prayers would NOT be for nothing. Our God is truly amazing, yeah? And that does not even begin to describe Him. He is so much more, so much that we can not understand. Yet the mystery of Him is an awesome thing in its self... Just that some one could be THAT ******** (I dont have a word to describe Him but I think you all know what i meant there. but can't be put into words) that none of us is able to eve sratch the surface of Him... now that is cool, how do we ever doubt Him? thats kinda a funny question. how crazy we are. we actually think that we could do thigns better on our own.. hehe wow.
Ok, I have talked alot, and not sure what I have said. Just a jumble of my thoughts and feelings for you all to TRY(good luck) and sort out and make some sense of.. ;o)
Thansk for reading this =P I hope to see you all soon!


Blogger Tamara said...

Mmmm, God's amazing, astounding, bewildering, breathtaking, extraordinary, impressive, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, wonderful, wondrous, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, exciting, hair-rising, heart-stirring, magnificent, moving, overwhelming, spine-tingling, thrilling, fantastic, inconceivable, incredible, outstanding, phenomenal, primo, rare, remarkable, Singular, special, surprising, terrific, uncommon, unimaginable, unique, unprecedented, unthinkable, unusual, unwonted, best, extravagant, great, mind-blowing, out-of-this-world, outrageous, super, terrific, fabulous, glorious, superior, the utmost..... I could keep going... I did cheat, though, I used the thesaurus for help with words... but there aren't enough, are there??? Jesus, let us never put you in a box, because Lord, you break the bonds of all containers, you are uncontainable, and there is always more of You. Lord, may we grow deeper in who You are through every moment. Thanks for sharing some of what God's doing in your heart. He continues to use you in my life to show me more of who He is.

1:14 PM

Blogger James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

hehe, yeah I know! allthose words are God, yet there is STILL so much more.. kinda crazy! ;o) yeah i love that all those words cou.d be put together in that lil spot where i said "I dont have a word to describe Him but I think you all know what i meant there" yeah... how is it that someone can be all those things at once? it excites me.. to say the least.. yes, the mystery of our Lord is an exciting thing!

2:35 PM


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