It is dewn..(done)
Well ma peeps, its a new day... How does it feel? Well I am enjoying it. :) anyways I was able to get my classes for this semester! so I am really excited about that, Oh and guess what!!! this is my first semester having ALL Mon.-Wed.-Fri. classes!! :) I am thrilled 'bout that.
Uh, so how is every one doing? I am working for Kenley now.. I am repairing his new house for him... It great tho cause I know how to do all that stuff, and I kinda enjoy it..
So, Tamara is officialy the most beautiful girl in the world.. :) Im not afraid to admit it... hehe Ok so I am pretty mad bout all these leaves that randomly appeared in Kenley's courtyard..??hrmmmmm.. wonder how they got there.. maybe fall was harsh this year.. yeah, that must be it.
well i guess I will just clean them up tomorrow.. :) I already filled like 10 big bags today, and I didn't even get 1/3 of it out!! there is SOOO much =/ ok well i think that this blog is done! Farewell! My friends o...uh.... yeah nevermind ok bye
=) James
OOHHH!!! Tamara! your NOT thie first to comment!!! hehe!! that is so funny! and you were like, its 1:00 where you are. whou would be on at one o'clock!! well looks like Nicoile is like us and stays up real late for really not much of a reason.. :) but it IS so much fun.. =) laters
10:39 PM
Oh my word... beat by Nicole, that's insane... thank you for believing I'm most beautiful :) I bet you are still playing your game and not sleeping like you're supposed to be... I already took a shower... and I'm definitely about to go to bed... soon... good night :o)
10:42 PM
oh yah... and I forgot to say thank you for saying my name ;) good night!
10:50 PM
Nope Tamara, i went went to bed right after i checked my blog.. which was right after getting off the phone.. :)
8:07 PM
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