Non-Local Yokal: Read my last comment on Pauls blog on post: "Merry Chistmas guys :)"

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Read my last comment on Pauls blog on post: "Merry Chistmas guys :)"


Blogger Lori said...

James, that was amazing, I must admit. However, I am a bit jealous that Paul gets all these comments from you and I, who live across the world and have no connection to you save for these blogs and e-mail never have a comment from you on my own blog or xanga :o( I love you, James Morrow. I'm glad we spent some time together while I was home. I will e-mail you soon :o) Hugs.

9:46 AM

Blogger James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

well most my comments are to other peepl, but just ON pauls blog. or they are cracks on Paul.. :)

4:29 PM

Blogger Lori said...

now you comment to me on your own blog. Nerd.

2:46 PM

Blogger Lori said...

hey James, you need a face book cause I want to tell you random things and they have no relevance at all to your, do you remember your new phrase??? I hung out with the Twins tonight and they asked me to say it and were impressed that I rememebered and I told them that I taught you and that Tamara said that you had a bad Russian accent and all that. It made me smile :o)

2:48 PM


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